Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Everywhere I go, I see signs of the holiday season. Those that have the "ho-ho spirit" rejoice in the details of Christmas-time. Those that don't; well, you're all Grinches, Scrooges and Bah-humbuggers and you can just get over yourself. As I write These Boots Are Made for Butt-Kickin', I get distracted by a holiday adventure I'm writing about Miss Lilly and her cast of characters. I thought I'd take the time to list my favorite things about this special season that will, no doubt, make it into the someday Christmas volume of The Misadventures of Miss Lilly.

1. The hot chocolate from Starbucks that tasted like a chocolate covered pretzel. Holla.

2. Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. My family always has the hap, hap, happiest holidays since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny frickin' Kaye. Or else my mom starts throwing food, and that gets real ugly real fast.

3. That I can decorate anything and everything as craptacularly as I dang well please. As long as it comes down after January 1.

4. The look of wonderment on my soon-to-be nephew's faces when discussing Christmas.

5. The ring of candy cane juice around the youngest one's mouth as he's listening to Christmas stories.

6. My ultra-cheesy fiance gets even ultra-cheesier.

7. Making really ugly Christmas cookies.

8. Deciding they're too ugly to give away and keeping for oneself.

9. My family sitting around, listening to my medical-field cousins tell horrific stories.

10. My family, sitting around, together.

Happy Holidays Y'all! I'm sure I'll get mushier as the days roll on, so get ready!!!

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