Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Worst Part of the Job

Writing is fun. I get to take all my fantastical daydreams and turn them into something tangible. If I were to share in another forum, people might want to lock me up. As it is, that part of the book process is the easy part.

The hard part is going back through and revising, realizing how many grammatical, factul, and plot mistakes you made. Even worse, when someone else is drawing attention to it. I heart my editor, he has such an amazing understanding of good literature. However, when he told me, kindly of course, that parts of the book needed to be developed and my characters could be "deeper"; I had several moments of anxiety. What if my characters weren't deep? What if he was seeing something I wasn't? What if this book stinks and I've wasted several years of my time and squandered possible law school class "A's" and it's all for not.

And then I got over it. So what if no one likes it, I do. So what if no one thinks I'm funny, I do. So what if I wasted time, what really is wasted time, anyway?

I'm knee-deep in revisions and all I have to say is, you'll either love it or hate it. I do.


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