Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Book Launch at Edie's Fashions on Friday in Tahlequah! Join us! We're giving away prizes!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Steel Magnolias Meets Hank the Cowdog

Just today, a reader wrote me to tell me how much they were enjoying Home is Where Your Boots Are and to ask when Volume Two (These Boots are Made for Butt-Kickin') was coming out. I love that anyone would have a fun time with these characters, because I had such a fun time creating them and telling their story! The best compliments were when the reader told me 1) it was funny (I love to be told I'm funny), and 2) the book was like Steel Magnolias Meets Hank the Cowdog. I love that description! Home is Where Your Boots are is a whole lot Southern, a whole lot country, and a whole lot rock and roll!!! Thanks for understanding it spot on!

Remember, if you've got questions, comments or criticisms; we take them at

Monday, November 1, 2010

Home is Where Your Boots Are is Now Available at Steve's Sundry in Tulsa, OK

Home is Where Your Boots Are is now available at Steve's Sundry in Tulsa, OK! Stop by for their famous chicken noodle soup and grab your copy!

Steve's Sundry Books and Magazines
2612 S. Harvard
Tulsa, OK
Toll free: 888-743-0989
Steve's Sundry Books and Magazines

Events and Email

Hey y'all! We're gearing up for our book signings and parties. We've got two scheduled so far; one in Tahlequah and three in Tulsa. Here are the pertinent details:

Tahlequah Launch and Signings
Friday, December 3rd, 4:30pm
Edie's Fashions
301 N. Muskogee
Come and go, buy your copy, get it signed and enjoy some light refreshments with Kalan.

Tulsa Launch and Signings

Saturday, November 20th, 10-4
Hearts of Confidence Christmas Bazaar
Lulu's Sweet Shoppe
8132-C S. Lewis
Come out and support awareness for domestic violence victims and get some great Christmas presents!
Hearts of Confidence

Friday, December 10th, 6pm
Lulu's Sweet Shoppe
8132-C S. Lewis
Enjoy some Lilly-inspired fare by the very talented Preeti Waas!

Tulsa Appearance and Signing
Saturday, December 18th, 10am-12pm
Steve's Sundry
31st and Harvard
Come meet the author and get your book signed!

Email: If you've got questions, comments or just want to rant about Cash email Kalan L. Chapman at kalanchapman@hotmail.com.

Happy Reading, y'all!